New developments, new solutions. The smart³ topic groups.
New developments, new solutions. The smart³ topic groups.
With the topic groups, the smart3 e.V. offers its members and other interested parties a format for regular professional dialogue on smart materials.
The management of the Topic Groups is made up of an equal number of players from research and industry. This ensures that industry's development needs are matched with the latest research expertise. The Topic Groups are designed to represent the entire value chain as a link between science and industry, thus serving the specific interests and expectations of all interested parties in the smart3 community. Regular exchange and discussion rounds, initiatives for joint participation in trade fairs, other formats for technology communication, initiatives for new R&D projects or the implementation of new applications are the objectives of the thematic groups and represent a significant added value for the participants.
Topic group »Shape Memory Technology«
In the case of thermal shape memory alloys (SMAs), the entire value chain from alloy to industrially manufactured actuator or sensor system is already established. Over the past 15 years, a number of applications have become established on the market, some of which have already reached volumes in excess of 100 million. These include applications ranging from micro-actuators for optical image stabilisation in smartphones to pneumatic valves for seat comfort systems and SMA springs in thermostat applications. This demonstrates the extraordinary diversity of size, function, development and manufacturing requirements for thermal shape memory alloy applications. However, current trends such as miniaturisation and digitalisation, as well as the need for resource efficiency, continue to require consideration of cost reduction or quality improvement issues and thus further development work in the field of shape memory technology. The aim is to discover untapped application potential and establish it as a product on the market.
Dr Sven Langbein (Kunststoffverarbeitung Hoffmann GmbH) and Dr Kenny Pagel (Fraunhofer IWU)
Topic group »Magnetic Shape Memory Technology«
In the case of magnetic shape memory alloys, the entire value chain from the alloy to the finished actuator system has been established, at least on a laboratory scale. New findings have made a significant contribution to increasing material efficiency and have led to processing technologies suitable for series production and new applications such as in microfluidics and gripping technology. Thanks to these successes, basic industrial requirements can now be met and the prerequisites for product developments have been created. The establishment of magnetic shape memory technology in industrial applications remains the most important goal here.
Dr Markus Laufenberg (ETO MAGNETIC GmbH) and Dr Andrea Böhm (Fraunhofer IWU)
Topic group »Caloric materials«
Elasto-, magneto- and electrocalorics are novel, solid-based heating and cooling technologies that have attracted increasing interest in recent years due to their great energy efficiency and climate protection potential compared to established processes. The materials required for this cover a wide range from metals and ceramics to polymers and are still in the early stages of development. In addition to the actual material development, the development of corresponding calorific machines and systems is also of great importance in order to utilise the calorific properties of the materials in the best possible way in applications. There is the potential for significantly higher efficiencies in refrigeration machines, air conditioning systems and heat pumps and therefore drastic energy savings. Materials with up to fifteen times higher energy efficiency already exist today, which would enable energy savings of over 90 %. These and other materials need to be identified and further developed to enable mass production and integration into suitable machine concepts.
Prof. Paul Motzki (Saarland University and Centre for Mechatronics and Automation Technology ZeMA) and Dr Christian Großmann (Ingpuls GmbH)
Topic group »Shape Memory Polymers«
The smart3 topic group on shape memory polymers focuses on thermoplastic polyurethanes with shape memory properties. On the one hand, it serves to familiarise participants with the materials and their properties and, on the other, to exchange information on relevant technical issues that are important for the development of new applications. In addition, the initiation of R&D projects in this field is to be promoted.
Dr Thorsten Pretsch (Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP) and Dr Peter Reichert (Covestro Deutschland AG)
Topic group »NewSpace«
Space applications are an indispensable building block for tackling the greatest challenges of our time - be it dealing with the consequences of climate change, shaping the mobility of the future or global real-time communication. NewSpace is the driving factor, as it is revolutionising space travel through commercialisation and increasing links with the traditional economy. The opening up of what was once a state domain is opening up numerous new areas of business for private players, particularly in the construction of planned satellite constellations. However, an agile and highly dynamic value chain is essential here. In this smart3 topic group, members have the opportunity to actively participate in the transformation of the space industry. Although a start has already been made with the standardisation of satellite platforms, expertise, innovative strength and disruptive thinking are needed more than ever to fully exploit the existing potential. This subject area therefore offers a wide range of opportunities to get involved.
Farangis Rezaei (Kunststoffverarbeitung Hoffmann GmbH, Lamb Space Tec) and Michael Weissflog (smart3 e.V., Astrodrom e.V., Fraunhofer IWU)
Would you like to take part in the topic groups?
Our topic groups are open to all members of smart3 e.V. The prerequisite for participation is registration, which can be requested informally by e-mail via the office or directly from the topic group leader via our community platform. We are also happy to receive suggestions for further topic groups.